Company Values

Company Values


Groupon AB isproud to act as a responsible corporate citizen in its business activities around the world. We embrace innovation and have created a culture of compliance, teamwork and integration. Groupon AB’s management team is responsible for fostering and maintaining this strong culture throughout the company and works collectively and continually as a governing body to do this.

Conducting our business with integrity and high ethical standards, and fostering an environment of mutual respect for all employees is imperative to our continued success..

Compliance & Ethics:

Groupon AB acts responsibly and strives to be a market leader in good corporate practice. Compliance is the responsibility of each and every one of our employees and Groupon AB’s management team expectations in this regards are clear.

Groupon AB operates in full compliance with the laws and regulations that apply to it but additionally goes over and above its obligations by applying higher standards across its businesses. Groupon AB dedicates resources to its Compliance Programme and has a dedicated team responsible for all aspects of Compliance.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct (“The Code”) serves as the hallmark of Groupon AB’s commitment to ensuring that all employees maintain the highest level of integrity and transparency in the performance of their individual and collective roles and responsibilities. The Code outlines the principles and core values to which all employees are required to adhere, and re-affirms our commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards at all times. The Code clearly defines expected behaviors and provides guidelines to our employees and business partners.


Groupon AB isproud to act as a responsible corporate citizen in its business activities around the world. We embrace innovation and have created a culture of compliance, teamwork and integration. Groupon AB’s management team is responsible for fostering and maintaining this culture throughout the company and works collectively and continually as a governing body to do this. Conducting our business with integrity and high ethical standards, and fostering an environment of mutual respect for all employees is imperative to our continued success..